Farm491 Member, CapChar, start trials at The RAU
Farm491 members, CapChar, have teamed up with Dr Nicola Cannon, Associate Professor of Agriculture at the Royal Agricultural University to undertake a spring wheat plant trial at the living lab location next to Farm491.
The aim of this trial is to see whether an application of biochar to the soil has any effect on biomass yield above ground, tillers, disease and nutritional value. The randomised trial consists of 12 plots – 4 x controls, 4 x 1tonne/ha app rate biochar and 4 x 10tonne/ha app rate biochar. The biochar was inoculated and top dressed on the soil. The outcomes will enable both parties to decide how to optimise future trials and expand the scope for other crops.
Biochar holds much promise for agriculture and carbon removal, but further research of its role within soil needs to be done to understand how it interacts and its potential upsides/downsides. If anyone is interested in using biochar within their businesses please get in touch.