Glas Data

Glas Data is an AgriTech company with the vision of solving the issue of data fragmentation in the agricultural sector. The shared data space offers easy farm data entry, clear data visualisation and simple data aggregation for small; farm businesses or multinational conglomerates.

The Product

Farms, food processors, retailers and even traders are increasingly utilising data for decision support and forecasting, ultimately boosting productivity and profitability throughout the value chain. A key component to making meaningful management decisions is thorough analysis of all available data at hand.

The agricultural industry and food supply chain are experiencing an ever-increasing demand for precision data driven results. The response has been, an explosion of technology in the sector, producing a flood of valuable data from myriad fragmented and isolated sources which are proving especially difficult to manage. This trend is gaining tremendous momentum and has been described as ‘the fourth agricultural revolution’.

This revolution is not as orderly and organised as the industry would like. Most current precision agriculture products focus on the generation of data or operate in a closed system. There is no data aggregation and visualisation tool keeping pace with the increase in data generation. In response, Glas Data has created an ecosystem, designed specifically to ingest other data sources and make sense of the flood of information. Glas Data’s centralised ecosystem will make it easier for data to be exploited to its fullest potential, highlighting opportunities to increase growth and productivity.

Key features:

  • Simplistic and highly automated data entry
  • Clear data visualisation indicating performance
  • Agricultural data aggregation
  • Data analysis and pattern recognition using modern methods
  • Access to the latest research data, enabling businesses to make informed decisions
  • Enables users to ingest own data from any source
  • Cloud based with offline first functionality
  • Accessible on all platforms via web and mobile apps

Glas Data’s one key aim: to unite the technological aspects of food production for the benefit of the entire sector and ultimately, the end consumer. By empowering farmers, increasing supply chain efficiency overall and decreasing complexity along the value chain, Glas Data intends to establish itself as the go-to data nexus at the heart of this new agricultural revolution. Glas Data is driven to simplify the world of precision farming and unlock the value of precision data, saving our users time and money whilst improving efficiency and yields.

On working with Farm491

Colin Phillipson said; “We heard about Farm491 from myriad sources; Its web presence, trade shows that we’d been attending, business advisors and a few key partners in the agricultural industry. We liked what we’d heard and reached out to understand more. The Farm491 team has been very helpful in many ways, from reviewing our business and offering some great advice, introducing us to other advisors who’ve added their support as well. Even though we’re only virtual members, joining Farm491 has been well worth it so far.”