Horse Logic
Horse Logic is an umbrella brand encompassing equine technological solutions. Whole Yard Optimisation, Define, equestrian consultancy and editorial services all fall under the umbrella of Horse Logic, founded by Sharon Smith. The aim has been to broaden and develop this technological company for the equestrian sector to create an all-inclusive equine service.
The Products
The Horse Logic business started with the development of ‘Define’, a sensor which is worn on the horse’s head to track motion to identify key behaviours. Since launch, Sharon, an equine specialist, has added new elements to the business including equestrian consultancy and editorial for businesses.
Define is a completely new electronic device that a horse wears 24/7. Horse owners get peace of mind and control over the information and can track behaviour changes for better health and training choices – before there’s a crisis and businesses can enhance services to customers/owners. Prototypes are being used on horses now and, thanks to Innovate UK grant funding, Horse Logic intends to launch this disruptor product late-Summer 2018! Define’s primary purpose is to take the worry out of horse management and improve horse welfare by giving them freedom to express their natural behaviour. This has the potential to save owners undue expense.
There are specialists that can help with marketing or horse care, but do they consider the rest of the yard and how their advice will fit in with your resources and assets? ‘Whole Yard Optimisation’ offers a fresh pair of eyes that could help to make things slicker, easier, better for the owner, horses and people on the yard. But it is no help, unless it all works together. That’s what Sharon means by ‘Whole Yard’ optimisation. Seeing how a change will impact overall.
In addition to this Horse Logic can also deliver equestrian consultancy services and editorial to businesses. Other tech initiatives are in development, so watch this space for more innovations!
Main Challenge of being an entrepreneur
Not having previous experience with electronics or code. Sharon is tackling this by using her strengths and supplementing them with new skills, recognising where she needs to take on outside help to progress. She is also currently learning python and testing ideas with an Arduino plus Farm491 has been helping Sharon tackle this challenge by finding a mentor with the relevant experience in electronics and software design to help her build the app.
On her start up journey she says; “I’m going to keep taking things one step at a time until I get there”.
On working with Farm491
Sharon says; “I joined Farm491 as a virtual member and the whole experience has been hugely rewarding to the development of my solutions and business. As a previous master’s student of the RAU I have been able, through Farm491, to retain links with the University and have supported PHD and undergraduate students in their equine studies.”

Horse Logic won the Farm491 Award for “Innovation in Equine Data Collection” in 2016.
Learn more about the 2016 Farm491 Innovation Awards here