Business Planning Workshop & Mentoring

Event Details

  • Date:
  • Venue: The Alliston Centre, Farm491 HQ

This interactive workshop gives delegates the opportunity to develop a robust plan for their business whilst receiving bespoke mentoring.

Whether you’re looking to secure investment, spot potential challenges with your business, measure your progress, or simply just get a plan down for the fist time, this interactive session at Farm491 will certainly help. We will challenge your assumptions and get you thinking about both short-term and long-term ambitions, and also develop your value proposition to fully engage with your target customers. At the end of the session you will leave with:

  • A customer value proposition – knowing what value you are adding to them and why they should engage with you
  • A business model canvas – full of ideas we have discussed during the session, including a clear picture on what resources you may need to take this forward
  • Dates for a follow-up group session
  • Access to a Farm491 business advisor for 1 hour

Please note this workshop is face-to-face, not online

Why this workshop?

This workshop is unique as we actively encourage a small group size, and will cap the delegates at 10 people. Each individual will receive bespoke feedback and support throughout the session rather than generalised business support. The workshop is delivered and hosted by Sarah Carr, Head of Farm491, in conjunction with Rod Horrocks who has a wealth of experience in business planning, innovation and change management. He has been working alongside Farm491 for 4 years and Sarah and Rod have worked together to refine this exciting content.

We will also discuss having a follow-up group session once you have had a chance to digest all of the information covered on the day, and you will be offered an hour long session with one of Farm491’s business advisors – see the team here.

Who is eligible?

This workshop is funded by the European Regional Development Fund and is therefore available to Ltd companies or sole traders in Gloucestershire only. The workshop falls under De Minimis State Aid and eligible applicants will be required to sign related forms prior to the session.