Innovation: Idea Generation and Development

Event Details

  • Date:

These sessions are free to any Gloucestershire-based business – please use the code GL21 at the checkout and enter your company registration number when ordering.

Please note, any free tickets claimed from companies who are unable to prove they are registered in Gloucestershire will be removed.

Key activities for entrepreneurs when looking to innovate include ideation and development. These two sessions will explore each of these in great detail:

Day 1 will focus on Ideation:

  • Idea management
  • Elevator pitches – why do we need them?
  • The customer value proposition – profiling your target customers, defining the CVP
  • Testing and validation – testing the market fit, interviewing customers, MVP’s and pretotyping

Day 2 will focus on Development:

  • Building a strategy – using the Business Model Canvas and Lean Canvas
  • Framing the strategy – define your mission, vision and values
  • Building your strategy using tactics
  • Milestones
  • Finance fundamentals – led by Phil Mitchell of Harbour Key

Although each session is 4 hours, there will be plenty of breaks and interactive sessions. The group size will be small to ensure we can give each of you the bespoke support you require.

If you are a Gloucestershire-based business, these sessions are funded through ERDF. In this case, you will be sent some forms to fill out prior to the session. If you are a paying attendee, we will get in touch with the relevant materials and Zoom links.

Any questions please email Sarah at Farm491:

We look forward to seeing you there!